segunda-feira, julho 03, 2006

Killing Moon

(the painter of the moon - Chagall)

Os Nouvelle Vague revisitaram, outra vez, ...
Band à Part
é o novo cd com músicas bem conhecidas remisturadas e com toques bem personalizados, sem tirar qualquer qualidade ao original. Exercício de memória, bem giro, é ouvir sem saber a quem pertence a performance original.

Killing Moon, dos 'Echo and The Bunnymen' é um dos singles audíveis e tendenciosos neste dia que o vento norte trouxe as núvens escuras... uma música para se ouvir à janela, de rosto encostado ao vidro, a sentir os salpicos de chuva a baterem...

The Killing Moon
Echo & The Bunnymen

Under blue moon I saw you
So soon you'll take me
Up in your arms
Too late to beg you or cancel it
Though I know it must be the killing time
Unwillingly mine

Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him

In starlit nights I saw you
So cruelly you kissed me
Your lips a magic world
Your sky all hung with jewels
The killing moon
Will come too soon

Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him

Under blue moon I saw you
So soon you'll take me
Up in your arms
Too late to beg you or cancel it
Though I know it must be the killing time
Unwillingly mine

Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him

Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him
You give yourself to him

La la la la la...

Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him

La la la la la...

Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him

Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him

La la la la la...